8. Simulating Kinetics and Degradation#

The tool simulates:

  1. Enzymatic degradation of ethanol e.g., in the human and organism.

  2. Decay of radioactive elements e.g., Cobalt, Strontium

  3. Michaelis–Menten Kinetics

8.1. How to use this tool#

  1. Go to the Binder by clicking the rocket button (top-right of the page)

  2. Execute the code cell with libraries

  3. Interact with the sliders.

This tool can also be downloaded and run locally. For that download the Kinetics_degradation.ipynb file from the book GitHub site, and execute the process in any editor (e.g., JUPYTER notebook, JUPYTER lab) that is able to read and execute this file-type.

The codes are licensed under CC by 4.0 (use anyways, but acknowledge the original work)

import numpy as np 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import pandas as pd
from ipywidgets import interact, fixed
import ipywidgets as widgets

The enzymatic degradation of ethanol in the human and organism.

def alcohol(C0,λ,t):
    C0 = concentration [M/L^3]
    λ = degradation constant [M/L^3/T]
    t = time [T]
    t = np.linspace(0, t, 1000)
    plt.plot(t, C0 - λ * t)
    plt.ylabel('Blood alcohol concentration [‰]')
    plt.title('enzymatic degradation of ethanol')
    plt.ylim(0,8.1) #the highest measured blood alcohol concentration in germany 
    plt.xlabel('time [h]')

interact(alcohol, C0 = widgets.FloatSlider(min=0, max= 8.1, step=0.1, value=3), 
         t= fixed(200), λ=widgets.FloatSlider(min=0,max=1, value=0.15, step=0.01, readout_format='.2f'))
<function __main__.alcohol(C0, λ, t)>

The decay of the elements cobalt and strontium.

def Co(C0,λ,t): #define the funtion for the decay of cobalt
    t = np.linspace(0, t, 1000)
    y= C0 * np.exp(-(λ * t)) #equation for 0th-degradation kinetics
    plt.plot(t, y)
    plt.ylabel('solute concentration [mg/l]')
    plt.title('radioactive decay of cobalt')
    plt.xlabel('time [a]')

interact(Co, C0 = widgets.IntSlider(min=0, max= 100, step=1, value=100),
         t = fixed(1000),
         λ = widgets.FloatSlider(value=0.132, min=0, max=1, step=0.001, readout_format='.3f'))

def Sr(C0,λ,t): #define the function for the decay of strontium
    t = np.linspace(0, t, 1000)
    y= C0 * np.exp(-(λ * t))
    plt.plot(t, y)
    plt.ylabel('solute concentration [mg/l]')
    plt.title('radioactive decay of strontium')
    plt.xlabel('time [a]')

interact(Sr, C0 = widgets.IntSlider(min=0, max= 100, step=1, value=100),
         t= fixed(1000),
         λ=widgets.FloatSlider(min=0,max=1, value=0.025, step=0.001, readout_format='.3f'))
<function __main__.Sr(C0, λ, t)>

8.2. Michaelis-Menten-Kinetics#

The Michaelis-Menten degradation kinetics behaves like a \(0^{th}\)-order kinetics for “short” times and like a \(1^{st}\)-order kinetics for “long” times. It describes the dependence of the speed of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction on the substrate concentration.

def MM1(C_i, P_s, H_l, R_f, n_sim):
    C_i = Initial concentration [M/L^3]
    P_s = Coefficient- shape factor [M/L^3]
    #intermediate calculation
    MM_rc = (0.5*C_i+P_s*np.log(2))/H_l # [M/L^3/T], Michaelis-Menten rate constant

    ZO_rc = MM_rc*C_i/(P_s+C_i) # [M/L^3/T], Zero order rate constant

    ZO_hl = 0.5*C_i/ZO_rc # [T], half-life
    t_c0 = 2*ZO_hl # [T] time to reach C=0

    FO_rc = MM_rc/P_s
    FO_hl = np.log(2)/FO_rc # [T], half-life
    FO_ci = C_i*np.exp(C_i/2) # [M/L^3]

    # Main Computing

    MM = np.zeros(n_sim)  # creat an array with zros

    for i in range(0, n_sim-1):
        MM[0] = C_i
        MM[i+1] = MM[i]*R_f
#        MM[i]

    time = (C_i-MM)/MM_rc - P_s/MM_rc * np.log(MM/C_i)

    ZO = C_i-ZO_rc*time
    ZO[ZO < 0] = 0 # forcing -ve conc. to be zero

    FO = FO_ci*np.exp(-FO_rc*time)
    FO[FO < 0] = 0 # forcing -ve conc. to be zero

#    dict1 = {"time [T]": time, "Michaelis-Menten": MM[i], "Zero-Order":ZO, "First-Order": FO}
#    pd.DataFrame(dict1)

    plt.plot(time, MM, "-r", label="Michaelis Menten")
    plt.plot(time, FO,"-g", label="First Order")
    plt.plot(time, ZO,"-b", label="Zero Order")
    plt.xlabel("time [T]"); plt.ylabel(r"Concentration [M/L$^3$]")

         C_i = widgets.FloatSlider(min=0.001, max= 10., step=0.01, value=1.0, readout_format='.2f'),
         P_s = widgets.IntSlider(min=1, max= 10, step=1, value=2),
         H_l = widgets.FloatSlider(min=1., max= 1000., step=1., value=300., readout_format='.1f'),
         R_f = widgets.FloatSlider(min=0.01, max= 1., step=0.1, value=0.97, readout_format='.2f'),
         n_sim = widgets.IntSlider(min=1, max= 1000, step=1, value=150))
<function __main__.MM1(C_i, P_s, H_l, R_f, n_sim)>